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Death toll climbs to 21 after tornadoes, storms buffet US

GreenWatch Desk Disasters 2024-05-27, 11:42pm


The death toll from tornadoes andother extreme weather that buffeted the central United States over the weekendclimbed to 21 on Monday, as the severe storms threatened to roil parts of theEast Coast.

The system, which struck the Southern Plains region beginning lateSaturday, overturned vehicles and ripped up homes, leaving a wake of deadlydestruction in its path.
Storms were still likely to produce damaging wind and hail as they pushedeastward Monday, part of the US Memorial Day holiday weekend, as well aspossibly produce "isolated tornadoes" in the eastern Mid-Atlantic, the NationalWeather Service said.
Over the weekend eight people died across northwest Arkansas in the severeweather, Lacey Kanipe, a public information officer with the state's Divisionof Emergency Management, told AFP.
In Kentucky four people died as tornadoes ripped through the state,Governor Andy Beshear said during a news conference Monday, explaining that "atleast a few" twisters touched down in the state, including one that traveled onthe ground for some 40 miles (65 kilometers), reports BSS.
The storms also caused "significant damage to the power infrastructure," said Beshear, who declared a state of emergency, adding that it could be daysuntil all power is restored.
Seven people died in Texas after a tornado ripped through the Valley Viewarea north of Dallas, Cooke County Sheriff Ray Sappington told reporters.
The twister destroyed homes and a gas station, and overturned vehicles onan interstate highway. Sappington called the damage "pretty extensive," in aninterview with The Weather Channel.
And in Oklahoma, at least two people were dead after a tornado hit MayesCounty late Saturday, the county head of emergency management, Johnny Janzen,told the Fox News affiliate in Tulsa.
Storm chasers shared impressive footage of tornadoes ripping up roofs andtearing through trees, causing power lines to spark and sending branches anddebris flying.
As far north as Indiana, the start of the Indianapolis 500 motor race wasdelayed for four hours Sunday due to storms in the area, with fans asked toexit the stands and seek shelter.
More than 530,000 customers were without power midday Monday in statesstretching from Arkansas up to West Virginia and south to Georgia, according tothe website
Tornadoes are relatively common in the United States, especially in thecenter and south of the country.