The incident occurred on Sunday night when the group was apprehended and later transferred to the Jowai Police Station in Meghalaya, India, on Monday. However, no official complaint has been filed by the detainees' families with either the Gowainghat or Jaintiapur police stations in Bangladesh.
The detained individuals are reportedly from various areas in Gowainghat and Jaintiapur.
Tofayel Ahmed, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Gowainghat Police Station, stated, "We have received reports of several youths being detained by the BSF. Among them, one is from Gowainghat, while the remaining 12 are from Jaintiapur." However, he added that no formal communication had been made to the police, and the identities of the detainees remain unclear.
Lieutenant Colonel Md Hafizur Rahman, Commanding Officer of the 48 Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Battalion, also confirmed hearing about the incident through informal channels. He noted that no information had been provided by either the families of the detainees or the BSF.