According to local sources, the conflict began early in the morning when two young men from the Binodpur Union, near the Chouka and Kiran Ganj border, went to cut grass. Indian villagers accused them of damaging wheat crops and attacked them. Tensions escalated further when the Indians crossed into Bangladesh, damaging mango trees and crops. This provoked a larger gathering of locals, who staged a protest. In retaliation, Indian villagers, armed with local weapons and bricks, launched an attack, injuring several Bangladeshis. Among the injured was Faruk, a young man from Kaliganj in Binodpur, who was hospitalized at the Shibganj Upazila Health Complex.
Lieutenant Colonel Golam Kibria, commander of the 59th Battalion of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), is currently stationed at the border. In a statement on WhatsApp, he confirmed that the BGB is working to restore peace in the area, and preparations are underway for a flag meeting between the BGB and the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) to resolve the tensions.