"This year, Brazil is chairing the G20 and Peru is chairing APEC. This is theyear of Latin America, and it is the focus of the world's attention",government spokesman Yoshimasa Hayashi told a regular briefing.
"Japan would like to seize this opportunity to strengthen ties with LatinAmerican countries," he said.
In his meeting with Lula, Kishida is expected to sign a deal on bilateralcooperation in areas from climate change to decarbonisation and otherenvironmental issues, Japanese news agency Kyodo News reported.
Kishida will also bring a delegation representing at least 40 companies,eyeing greater Japanese investments in Brazil to bolster bilateralcooperation on green technologies, the Nikkei daily reported.
Japanese auto giant Toyota said last month that it plans to invest 11 billionreais ($2.2 billion) to beef up production of hybrid vehicles in Brazil, reports BSS.
Prior to his trek to Brazil, Kishida will attend an OECD meeting in France to"lead the discussions on solutions to various economic and social issues",his office added.