Jehangir Hussain
Jehangir Hussain
Many voters expressed their dismay against the Election Commission for holding the 3rd mayoral polls in Rangpur city using Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) without taking the preparations.
As some of the EVM s did not work many voters had to return home unable to cast their votes.
EVMs were used in all the 229 polling centres.
Voters were dissatisfied over EVM’s mechanical faults, network problems and delays in getting fingerprints of women voters.
Many voters blamed the Election Commission for holding the polls without familiarising them with EVMs.
Despite thick fog and biting cold on Tuesday morning, the turnout was high though going to polling stations was far from easy.
Due to unfamiliarity and inadequate light voters faced problems in using EVMs.
Many voters in Wards 9, 20, 21, 24, 32 returned home without casting votes.
Former Mayor and Jatiya Party’s mayoral candidate MustafizarRahmanMostafa said, “I went to cast my vote in the morning and found that the EVM was not working. I could cast my vote half an hour later, after election officials called technician to fix the EVM. Voters’ and political parties’ distrust of EVMs were fully justified.”
Jahidul Islam of Ward No. 9 in the city said, I went to cast my vote and due to inadequate light I could not see, I sought help several times, causing delays.
Polling, scheduled to be held from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, could not be completed due to problems with EVMs.
Around 20 per cent of the voters were seen waiting in queues to cast their votes at many polling centres.
Many voters had to return home failing to cast their votes.
AlifUddin, Ashraful, Rasel of Ward No. 20 said that they also faced problems in casting their votes using EVMs.
There was network problem for which there were delays in taking the fingerprints.
It took Sayeda Begum 30 minutes’ waiting on to cast her vote at Hajipara Primary School in Baha Cachna area.
She as there was problem in taking her fingerprint, the polling officer requested her to cast her vote later.
Voters expressed their disgust against the Election Commission for using EVMs without taking the preparations.
Ward No. 24 resident Jaba Rani said, "This is for the first time we are seeing EVMs and, naturally I don't know how to use it. The Election Commission simply failed to familiarise voters how to use EVMs.”
Dalim, a young man said, “If EVMs were used by the Election Commission in mock polls in each and every ward voters would not have to face problems in casting their votes.”
Polling was suspended for about two hours in the city's Nazirdigar High School and ShalbonMistripara Municipal High School centres due to mechanical problems in EVMs. Later, polling resumed after experts came from the Election Commission to change the EVMs.
Acknowledging the delays in polling due to mechanical and network problems, Returning Officer Abdul Baten said, those who arrive at the polling station before 4:30 pm would be allowed to cast their votes no matter how long t takes.
Voter turned out was relatively high as the wanted to elect a competent Mayor.
Shafiqul Islam of Ward No. 31 said, "Our area lacks roads, as well as drainage and sewage system. Unless a competent Mayor is elected the problems would persist in our locality. Today is the day to decide Rangpur city’s fate.”
According to the Election Commission, 4,26, 470 eligible voters, 2, 14, 166 females and 2,12,303 males and one transgender voter, were expected to exercise their right to franchise.
In all nine candidates were in the contest to get elected as Mayor, including nominees of Awami League, Jatiya Party, five other political parties and two independent candidates.
Also in the run were 183 candidates to get elected as general councilors from 32 Wards and 68 women to get elected as women councilors from in 11 reserved wards.
Teams consisting of Police, APBN and Battalion Ansar patrolled the general wards and a RAB team was on duty to ensure peaceful voting.
Special security forces were deployed at vulnerable polling stations.
The EC said that 33 executive magistrates and 16 judicial magistrates were on duty during the polling.