Shahida Begum, a widow from Araji Chandanbari Notunhat village in the Jhalaishalsiri union, passed away on Friday at the Boda Upazila Health Complex. She was the wife of the late Pabar Uddin.
According to family members, the incident occurred Thursday afternoon when Shahida lit a fire in an attempt to keep warm during the cold weather. Unfortunately, she was accidentally engulfed in flames, suffering severe burns to her chest and hands. Her family rushed her to the local health complex for immediate medical attention.
Dr. Zahid Hasan, the Resident Medical Officer at the Boda Upazila Health Complex, stated that Shahida had sustained burns covering 40% of her body, with the most severe damage to her chest and hands. The medical team recommended transferring her to Rangpur Medical College Hospital for specialized care, but her family opted to continue her treatment locally.
Despite the medical team’s best efforts to save her, Shahida succumbed to her injuries the following day. Dr. Hasan confirmed that her body was handed over to her family after her death.