Earlier in the day, workers had blocked the Chandra-Nabinagar highway, causing a complete traffic halt. As tensions mounted, they set fire to several vehicles, including buses, trucks, and covered vans, and vandalized nearby shops. Police initially used tear gas and sound grenades to disperse the protesters, but the situation remained volatile until army and industrial police intervened.
The unrest is rooted in the government’s decision to close 16 factories under the Beximco Industrial Park in December 2024 due to financial difficulties, including unpaid wages and significant defaulted loans. The closures have affected over 42,000 workers, who have staged multiple protests demanding the factories' reopening, payment of overdue wages, and the resumption of banking services.
The protests escalated today as workers sought immediate action from authorities. Despite efforts from law enforcement and military forces, protests continued to disrupt the Chandra-Nabinagar highway until the reporting deadline.
The workers’ unrest follows a series of protests, including a road blockade on December 21, 2024, and a human chain organized on January 14, 2025. The closure of the factories and irregular wage payments have sparked widespread discontent among workers, who are seeking urgent solutions.