As evening fell on Thursday, a momentous occasion unfolded in Bangladesh’s capital. Nobel Laureate Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus, a figure celebrated globally for his contributions to social justice and economic empowerment, took his oath as the Chief Adviser of Bangladesh's interim government. The ceremony, steeped in solemnity, was held at the historic Durbar Hall of Bangabhaban, with President Mohammed Shahabuddin presiding over the event.
The air was thick with anticipation as Dr. Yunus, dressed in a simple yet dignified manner, stepped forward to take the first oath. With a steady voice, he pledged his commitment to lead the nation through this transitional period, signing the oath of secrecy moments later, marking the official start of his tenure.
Following Dr. Yunus, thirteen members of his advisory council were called forward to take their oaths. These advisers, carefully chosen for their expertise and integrity, represent a cross-section of Bangladesh’s intellectual, legal, and social landscape. Among them were distinguished individuals like Dr. Saleh Uddin Ahmed, a respected economist, and Dr. Asif Nazrul, a prominent law professor, each bringing their own unique perspective to the council. Human rights advocate Adilur Rahman Khan, environmental lawyer Syeda Rezwana Hasan, and youth leader Md. Nahid Islam also joined the ranks, underscoring the diversity and depth of the team assembled to guide the nation.
As each adviser pledged their service to the country, there was a palpable sense of hope in the room. The audience, which included leaders of political parties, senior military and civil officers, diplomats, and freedom fighters, watched attentively, aware of the significance of the moment. The swearing-in of these advisers was not just a formality but a signal of the interim government’s intent to lead with integrity and a commitment to the people of Bangladesh.
However, the full complement of the advisory council was not present. Three members—Bidhan Ranjan Roy, Farooqi Azam, and Suprodip Chakma—were unable to attend the ceremony as they were outside the capital. They will take their oaths at a later date, completing the council.
As the ceremony concluded, those present were reminded of the challenges ahead. Yet, with Dr. Yunus at the helm and a council of trusted advisers by his side, there was a renewed sense of optimism that this interim government could navigate the nation through its current trials towards a future of stability and progress.