According to Joynul Abedin, Officer-in-Charge of Dhaka Railway Police Station, the blockade caused significant disruption, stranding four Dhaka-bound trains and one train scheduled to depart from the capital. The students had erected barricades on the tracks early in the morning.
The situation turned violent around 11:30 AM when the Parabat Express, bound for Kamalapur, came under attack in Mohakhali. The assailants reportedly threw objects at the train, injuring several passengers, including children. Though Abedin could not provide an exact count of the injured, he confirmed that multiple people were hurt during the incident.
In a separate attack, the students also targeted the Upakul Express, which was traveling from Noakhali to Dhaka. The attack damaged several window panes of the train but did not result in additional injuries.
The disturbances continued as the students pressed their demands, further straining the already tense situation. Authorities are investigating the attacks while efforts to clear the blockades and restore train services are ongoing.