A Dhaka court on Thursday sent City Bank Chairman Aziz Al Kaiser to jail in three separate cases filed by his wife with Tejgaon Industrial Police Station of the city over alleged forgery and money embezzlement.
Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Jasim of Dhaka passed the order after accused Aziz Al Kaiser surrendered in court and pleaded for permanent bail. The complainant’s lawyer vehemently opposed the plea.
Kaiser’s wife Tabassum Kaiser earlier submitted her allegations and filed four separate cases against her husband on the charges of forgery, faking her signature and taking her shares from Star Particles Mills Limited to somewhere else.
The court directed Tejgaon Industrial Police Station to accept the First Information Reports (FIR) of the three cases.
Aziz Al Kaiser, also the Managing Director of Star Particles Mills Limited, surrendered in the court on February 7 and the court allowed him conditional bail till March 16. - Special Correspondent