The stampede occurred on December 4 in Hyderabad, Telangana, when a surprise appearance by Arjun caused an unexpected surge in the crowd at the screening of his film. The situation escalated when the theater’s main gate collapsed under the pressure, leading to the fatal incident.
The woman's husband filed a case against the actor, his security team, and the theater's management for failing to notify authorities of Arjun's planned appearance. Police charged the actor, his security team, and the theater's management with culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
In connection with the incident, the theater owner and two employees were also arrested.
While a local court initially sentenced Arjun to 14 days in jail on Friday, the Telangana High Court granted him bail within hours. However, due to delays in processing the bail order, the actor spent one additional night in jail.
The actor has refrained from commenting on the charges or his arrest. However, in the aftermath of the tragedy, Arjun expressed his sorrow on social media, stating that he was “heartbroken by the tragic incident.” He also pledged financial support of $29,000 to the victim's family and committed to covering medical expenses for the injured child.