The clash took place near Gopinathpur bus stand in the upazila around 4pm.According to the sources, around 40,000 leaders and activists of Awami League and its associate bodies brought out a procession this afternoon protesting against forcing Awami League president Sheikh Hasina to leave the country and demanding to bring her back to the country.
The AL leaders and activists from different unions of Gopalganj Sadar and Kashiani upazilas gathered in Gopinathpur’s Sharif Para area around 3pm.
Later, they blocked the Dhaka-Khulna Highway, causing severe traffic jams on the highway.
On information, a team of army personnel working in Gopalganj went there. Seeing them, protesters chanted slogans against them calling them “Vua”. At one point, the protesters locked into an altercation with the army personnel.
It soon turned violent forcing the law enforcers to open blank fire to bring the situation under control, reports UNB.
Five army personnel and two of the protesters, including a child, were injured.
Later, the army personnel ran to the neighboring house and took shelter. At that time, the protesters set fire to an army vehicle.
One of the injured is identified as Noor Qazi, 10, son of Safi Qazi of Nizamkandi village.
The tense situation was prevailing in the area after the incident.