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An ally in Oman

It is equally about time the judiciary exercise its role in overseeing and keeping a check on the excesses of the government in foreign affairs

GreenWatch Desk Opinion 2024-07-05, 11:27pm


The need for Bangladesh to expand upon its diplomacy efforts at this stage has been well documented; with graduation from a least developed country right around the corner, thereby depriving us of many of the incentives afforded to LDCs, the importance of maintaining and strengthening strategic relationships with nations across the world has never been more salient.

To that end, conversation between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Oman's Ambassador to Bangladesh Abdul Ghaffar Bin Abdul Karim Al-Bulushi can only signal positive outcomes. It is encouraging to see that both nations are looking to further ties and explore avenues that would lead to mutual benefits.
Oman has long been considered a favoured destination by Bangladesh expatriate workers, and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina rightfully noted that these hard-working individuals are a major component for the development of not only Bangladesh’s economy, but that of Oman’s. However, questions remain regarding our expat workers’ eligibility to Oman, and it is good that the conversation has started to remedy this issue, reports DT.
There remain unexplored areas for both nations, particularly with regard to Oman becoming a more viable destination for Bangladesh’s RMG and other export-oriented products. The blue economy presents another avenue for collaboration; with Bangladesh's strategic location on the Bay of Bengal and Oman's expertise in maritime affairs, joint initiatives could yield significant dividends for both nations.
As we continue to sustain momentum with regard to our economic growth, the time is ripe for us to simultaneously sustain momentum of our diplomacy efforts. To that end, Bangladesh and Oman should leverage their complementary strengths to the benefit of both nations.