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Nurerchala is a living hell for shoppers (and shopkeepers)

Readers’ corner 2025-01-27, 12:27am


Sir Frank Peters.

It is often said the worst sights in the world is to witness ignorance and stupidity in action.

That said, roadwork construction workers, their supervisors, and management in Nurerchala, are taking it to a new level and their mission, seemingly, is to win a Guinness Book of Records citation for their disgraceful efforts.

They’ve dug up four adjoining roads to install new sewerage pipes. (Bravo!) 

However (big, …BIG) sigh… mindlessly they’ve piled the earth, stone, and broken bricks not only on the road edges, but also on the footpaths! Unbelievable!

Now, to get through to do shopping is a hazardous obstacle course and potential death trap. One literally has to risk limb and life walking on mounds of slippery earth while hoping/praying not to slip and fall into the open drains or for somebody else to accidentally bump into you, with the same result. How crazy, incompetent, and inconsiderate is that?

Many of the shops in the area are closed and suffering financial pain because their customers have no access to them.

It’s pathetic. Watching mothers with tiny tots and shopping attempting to navigate the obstacle course is pitiful. A person with poor eyesight or unsteady on their feet are especially at risk. Whoever is responsible for the planning and roadwork supervision in Nurerchala should be ashamed. 

Why is it necessary to put the entire local community at risk of injury (or worse) and jeopardize the income of the local traders, just because of the incompetence and ignorance of a mindless few? It’s madness to the extreme.

If what’s happening were publicized nationally, there’s no doubt inquisitive tourists would flock there just to observe at first hand the ignorance, stupidity, risks to public safety, and the lack of consideration for the wellbeing of the people.

Yet, the solution is so simple. All that’s required is to keep the pavements clear. This would allow access for people to go about their chores and the shops not needing to close and lose valuable income.

Wake up Bangladesh! You’re now 54-years old and you ought to know better.

Sir Frank Peters
