The incident came to light on Thursday afternoon when local farmers in the Dhabalsuti area noticed iron electric poles and other equipment being set up in their fields. The farmers promptly informed the authorities, and the BGB-61 Battalion responded to the scene, confirming the presence of the electric infrastructure.
According to the BGB and local sources, the BSF personnel had erected the electric poles within 50 yards of the Zero Line—an area demarcating the border between the two nations—on the night of January 28, with assistance from local workers.
The installation occurred near sub pillar No-2, located under the main pillar 829 in Patgram Sadar Union. Mahbub Rahman, the company commandant of the BGB’s Dhabalsuti Camp, verified the reports, raising concerns over the potential violation of international border regulations. The BGB has yet to comment further on any diplomatic or official actions to address the issue.