In a special message, Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar conveyed his warm greetings to Foreign Affairs Adviser Md. Touhid Hossain and the people of Bangladesh, recognizing the mutual respect and enduring partnership between the two nations.
On 16 December, both Bangladesh and Indian Armed Forces came together in a moving display of camaraderie to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of the Liberation War. The event, which took place at the Agartala-Akhaura border in Tripura, featured senior military officers from both countries. Maj. Gen. Sumit Rana, Chief of Staff of the 101 Area of the Indian Army, and Maj. Gen. Abul Hasnat Mohammad Tariq, GOC of the 33 Infantry Division of the Bangladesh Army, exchanged greetings and sweets, symbolizing the continued unity and respect between their armed forces.
This touching ceremony evoked cherished memories of the historical partnership and the sacrifices made by both the Bangladeshi Muktijoddha and Indian soldiers. Their combined efforts were instrumental in securing the liberation of Bangladesh, culminating in the victory of 16 December 1971.
The event also highlighted the vital role that Tripura and Agartala played during the Liberation War. Both sides expressed their profound gratitude and reaffirmed their deep-rooted friendship, emphasizing the enduring bonds between the people and armed forces of India and Bangladesh. These ties are built on a shared commitment to justice, freedom, and equality, as noted by the Indian High Commission.
The day's commemorative events included a wreath-laying ceremony and the flag-in of a cycle rally, which was led by the Governor of Tripura at the Albert Ekka War Memorial. A felicitation ceremony for Indian ex-servicemen and Veer Naris who participated in the Liberation War of 1971 was also held, honoring their contributions and sacrifices.
The joint observances on Victory Day underscored the strong and lasting friendship between the people of Bangladesh and India, reflecting the enduring legacy of their shared history and values.