The incident happened in front of West Sonamati camp in Ratnai area under Amjankhor union of the upazila early in Monday morning.
A Bangladeshi national was shot dead allegedly by members of India's Border Security Force (BSF) in Thakurgaon's Baliadangi upazila on Monday morning.
The incident happened in front of West Sonamati camp in Ratnai area under Amjankhor union of the upazila early in Monday morning.
The deceased was Nuruzzaman, 45, a resident of Dakshin Medyapara village of the upazila.
Thakurgaon 50 BGB Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Tanjir Ahmed confirmed the news.
The official said, ''We have learnt that BSF opened fire on Nuruzzaman when he went to Indian territory to fetch cows. Later it is known that he died.''
Amjankhor UP chairman Md Akalu said, ''Nuruzzaman was involved in cow smuggling. I heard that on Monday night BSF personnel fired inside the Indian border. The body is now at BSF 152 Sonamati camp in India.''